PlasmoGEM phenotypes

Data Sources

The database integrates phenotype data from genetic barcode screens in P. berghei ANKA from the following publications:

  • Asexual blood stage essentiality and growth rate: Bushell et al. (2017).
  • Liver stage essentiality: Stanway et al. (2019). This study also provides measures of the conversion efficiencies from blood stage to oocyst and from oocyst to salivary gland sporozoite in mutant pools derived from heterozygous zygotes, i.e., where many post-fertilisation gene functions are masked.
  • Male and female gametocyte development: Russell et al. (2023).
  • Male and female fertility: Sayers et al. (2023). This preprint contains separate screens for male and female fertility. Male fertility mutants were further investigated for gene functions prior to egress and prior to the onset of gamete motility (exflagellation).

Data on transcript abundance for individual genes are from these sources:

  • Smart-Seq2 data from the Malaria Cell Atlas were obtained here.
  • Gene expression data across various life cycle stages were gathered from Caldelari et al. (2019) and Modrzynska et al. (2017). In Caldelari et al. 2019, temporal data at the liver stage was examined, and a comparison was made between liver and blood stage gene expression data. The Modrzynska et al. 2017 study provided gene expression information for the schizont and ookinete stages.