PlasmoGEM protocols
Information about vectors
General information about working with PlasmoGEM vectors is available in this document, containing details about:
- propagation of PlasmoGEM library clones and vectors
- PlasmoGEM vector quality control
- PlasmoGEM vector preparation for transfection
- genotyping of PlasmoGEM vector derived transgenics
A detailed and up-to-date vector production protocol as used during the Recombineering module of our Wellcome Trust Advance Course in Malaria Experimental Genetics is available here
A published version of the protocol is also available in Methods in Malaria Research 6th edition 2013, and a copy can, with permission of the editors, be retrieved here. The Methods in Malaria Research protocol available through the PlasmoGEM portal has been updated to reflect the recent changes to the selection procedure of Zeo/PheS intermediate PlasmoGEM vectors from zeocin, to zeocin and kanamycin double selection. Changes from the published hard copy are clearly highlighted in yellow throughout.